Sunday, August 27, 2006

Brass Bonanza to begin in Fall

Brass Bonanza, a Hartford Whalers tribute movie will be Bruin Studios next project. The film will be set in 1997 and star Tim Comeau and Kevin LaPlante as two die hard Whaler fans. When they find out that their favorite team will be moving to Carolina next season they set out on a crazy adventure to try to save the team and keep them in Hartford. The script is being written now and hopefully filming can begin in October sometime.

Duct Tape Man Premiere

Duct Tape Man premiered on Wednesday August 23, 2006. It was a fun time, and the film was quite successful delivering on laughs and excitement. A DVD for the film is being worked on now and will hopefully be ready within a couple of weeks. The filming of Duct Tape Man Returns has been pushed to next summer with the hope of an August 2007 release.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Theatrical Trailer

The theatrical trailer for Duct Tape Man is now complete and online. If you would like to view it you can do so here. The trailer is R-rated, so don't show your 5 year old cousin or something. The movie is being edited right now, and should be released as planned on August 23rd.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Production of Duct Tape Man Completed

Principal photography of Duct Tape Man has been completed. I just want to thank everyone who was involved with the movie's filming, whether you were infront of or behind the camera, it was quite the team effort. The past few days have been busy so unfortunately I couldn't update this, but in the last post I said there might be a casting change and there was. Monica Hammett was replaced by Le Pham in the film. Monica ended up going on vacation and she couldn't film, but hopefully we'll get her in the sequel. Duct Tape Man is now entering the Post-Production phase as I'm going to start editing the film. It will be released Wednesday August 23, 2006. Look for the theatrical trailer to be online this weekend.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Big Day for Duct Tape Man

Today is a big day in the filming of Duct Tape Man, as two of the larger scenes in the story, taking place at parties will be filmed. We need as many extras as possible so if you know Big Show or Dan Marieni and want to be involved give us a call. We will begin filming at 6PM today. There will be a larger update later tonight on how filming went and possibly also on a large casting change.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

College Carnage 2 News

Originally College Carnage 2 was supposed to be released this summer, but due to the intense filming schedule of Duct Tape Man it has been pushed back. College Carnage 2 will now be filming during spring break and will be released in March 2007, much like the first College Carnage was last year. Look for more news on Spartacus and his return after Duct Tape Man finishes filming.

On Set Photos

Photos from August 7th's shoot are now online at Duct Tape Man's Official Site. You can check out these photos by clicking this link. Also filming will be continuing today and if there are any photos from the shoot look to see them online later tonight. Duct Tape Man's release date has been set as Wednesday August 23, 2006. Stay tuned for more information on the premiere and what to do if you would like to attend.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Duct Tape Man Continues to Film

This is the first post I'm making on this blog. Seeing as news on Duct Tape Man is in high demand I figured this would be the best way to give it to the masses. You can check this blog everyday for news on Duct Tape Man and I'll try to update everyone with what we filmed that day and how filming is going. Check back later tonight and I'll hopefully get to post some photos from today's shoot.